My SEO Journey [PRO Edition] is a series where professionals from the SEO industry, digital marketing or web design, share their honest SEO journey filled with failures and successes, and above all proven results. Episode #45 features Vlad Orlov from Respona .Vlad Orlov from shares his SEO journeyFirst of all, hello everyone and thank C级执行名单 you for giving us this opportunity. I think it's also worth mentioning that I'm just a brand partnerships manager who's there to tell the story – I wasn't actually involved in the development process of our tool.Feel free to congratulate our co-founder, Farzad Rashidi Our website is called Respona, but I think it's important to give you a little history of how this resource came to be.Contents1 First
There Was Visme2 In the beginning, Respona was an “internal only” tool 3 Then we launched Respona as a standalone product4 Since launch, what has worked to attract more organic traffic?5 How did you create your own Dogfood solution to take Respona from 0 to DR75?6 Did you learn anything particularly useful in your SEO journey?7 What SEO tools do you use for your business?First there was VismeVisme is a data visualization tool launched a few years ago. Farzad was (and still is) the head of marketing there.So, as you can imagine, the task at hand was to get as much traction as possible.
And how do you do that online? Specifically, by delivering awesome content and creating tons of links to it, so that your website appears in Google's top results.Despite Google's best efforts, link building is still going strong. We know its value very well – that's why we chose to rely on it to improve our own ranking.I think we can all agree that building backlinks is a huge pain. You can't do reciprocal links because Google completely devalues them, and paying for links is very shady. Also, the price tags a lot of blogs put on their links are extremely high – and since you need a LOT of backlinks to rank well, you can go broke quickly.
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